Server wide NAP (including KE) for all alliances.(This means NO attacking any alliances)
All tagless (without alliance) accounts will not be protected under server NAP.
Tagless accounts being plundered in a hive are protected under server NAP.
No scouting tagged keeps during NAP.
No stealing subs of tagged keeps during NAP.
No stealing any subs being used to level generals!
No stealing any subs during purge or SvS!
No soloing any boss over 68.0M power (e.g. Lv1 Cerberus (68.2M) = RALLY; Lv1 Knight (65.5M) = solo ok). All boss rallies must be initiated from the main alliance hive.
No tile or relic attacks at all, ever, even if untagged (except for purge).
No attacks on any Alliance buildings… never ever!!
No attacks against anyone from s845 during SvS.
Pyramids: All persons playing the Treasure Hunt event, exploring Pyramid Ruins, MUST be bubbled! Compensation will be owed by the unbubbled player when infractions occur. If both players are unbubbled, no compensation will be given. Screenshots of bubble timers are expected if compensation is expected.