• Server - 731+722
  • Date ' 22-Jul-2023 '
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Rank Net 731+722 Notes 731+722
History Svs server 731+722
Server - 731+722 ( WIN ) - VS - Server - 515 ( LOSS )
15,300,569,428 13,284,444,958

Players with Positive Scores (Click on your Name or Alliance)

Name Alli Power Score+ Score- Net Score KDR %%
1.- Ɓrøkən. TWR 2.3B 1,731,302,484 -679,726,976 1,051,575,508 2.55 61 %
2.- SirPeter2121 MDR 12.3B 1,836,004,667 -822,987,456 1,013,017,211 2.23 55 %
3.- 浔夢🐉Mde MDR 17.1B 1,228,643,479 -237,017,120 991,626,359 3 ↑ 81 %
4.- ウイリー MDR 3.4B 1,216,137,982 -707,498,560 508,639,422 1.72 42 %
5.- kimك RPT 352.7M 557,218,651 -140,578,928 416,639,723 3 ↑ 75 %
6.- 🃏fΞŇり MDR 6.3B 1,436,379,851 -1,137,106,176 299,273,675 1.26 21 %
7.- 달.고.나 RED 4.3B 293,263,975 -75,552,968 217,711,007 3 ↑ 74 %
8.- 北斗 不破 MDR 11.2B 1,407,764,067 -1,245,385,472 162,378,595 1.13 12 %
9.- Sergei1983 RPT 250M 153,267,049 -12,110,116 141,156,933 3 ↑ 92 %
10.- $moke $hack RPT 3.6B 849,105,011 -708,035,456 141,069,555 1.2 17 %
11.- Ku|ong 虎龍 RED 1.6B 206,393,751 -102,036,040 104,357,711 2.02 51 %
12.- Yonu RPT 329.7M 283,466,052 -183,831,008 99,635,044 1.54 35 %
13.- Nino. MDR 3.2B 319,454,925 -223,226,272 96,228,653 1.43 30 %
14.- 쏭e🦋 RED 7.2B 284,508,443 -199,470,976 85,037,467 1.43 30 %
15.- اLv 31 Nyan RED 173.8M 198,048,803 -127,326,456 70,722,347 1.56 36 %

Players with Negative Scores (Click on your Name or Alliance)

Name Alli Power Score+ Score- Net Score KDR %%
134.- 一歩e🥊 RED 4.9B 1,308,321,519 -1,854,976,256 -546,654,737 0.71 29 %
133.- 💫HulkThor MDR 597.5M 23,214,589 -456,726,848 -433,512,259 0.05 95 %
132.- Wickednorest RPT 356.9M 10,642,504 -277,803,904 -267,161,400 0.04 96 %
131.- RYOU^^凌駕 RED 2.8B 131,075,517 -357,727,776 -226,652,259 0.37 63 %
130.- ʝǟʐɨɛʟ MDR 453M 51,128,984 -274,703,296 -223,574,312 0.19 81 %
129.- PRAD1 MDR 383.5M 24,366,017 -132,507,872 -108,141,855 0.18 82 %
128.- purge ® TWR 64.7M 16,466,204 -110,546,080 -94,079,876 0.15 85 %
127.- BlaznSnake IDN 132.5M 941,159 -92,135,320 -91,194,161 0.01 99 %
126.- Killgarreh TWR 62.1M 1,428,003 -81,109,080 -79,681,077 0.02 98 %
125.- 하e 🐻 RED 4.4B 410,934,557 -485,408,000 -74,473,443 0.85 15 %
124.- Prinsuuss🐞 MDR 1B 9,884,358 -84,158,384 -74,274,026 0.12 88 %
123.- Mambasa MDR 419.8M 9,471,769 -81,703,472 -72,231,703 0.12 88 %
122.- ...SLAYER... RPT 43.6M 0 -71,836,904 -71,836,904 0 100 %
121.- shuri. GOL 68.2M 685,563 -70,717,464 -70,031,901 0.01 99 %
120.- اLv 28 AQUA TWR 1B 5,885,702 -72,055,584 -66,169,882 0.08 92 %
Score Alliance ---> " MDR "
Name Power Score+ Score- Net Score KDR %%
1 SirPeter2121 12.3B 1,836,004,667 -822,987,456 1,013,017,211 2.23 92 %
2 浔夢🐉Mde 17.1B 1,228,643,479 -237,017,120 991,626,359 3 ↑ 92 %
3 ウイリー 3.4B 1,216,137,982 -707,498,560 508,639,422 1.72 92 %
4 🃏fΞŇり 6.3B 1,436,379,851 -1,137,106,176 299,273,675 1.26 92 %
5 北斗 不破 11.2B 1,407,764,067 -1,245,385,472 162,378,595 1.13 92 %
6 Nino. 3.2B 319,454,925 -223,226,272 96,228,653 1.43 92 %
7 メム 2.8B 31,011,602 -327,958 30,683,644 3 ↑ 92 %
8 💪HulkHogan 79.6M 9,897,028 -1,929,287 7,967,741 3 ↑ 92 %
9 < Gamora> 204.7M 10,450,604 -4,451,303 5,999,301 2.35 92 %
10 ✌¢0вяล 2.1B 6,707,381 -1,069,674 5,637,707 3 ↑ 92 %
11 H@vok 1.1B 1,772,500 0 1,772,500 3 ↑ 92 %
12 🌀 Reda🌀 446.9M 1,621,000 0 1,621,000 3 ↑ 92 %
13 J ∆ C K 511.1M 1,452,500 0 1,452,500 3 ↑ 92 %
14 123*DZO^ 1.3B 1,275,000 0 1,275,000 3 ↑ 92 %
15 もと@moto 844.7M 961,500 0 961,500 3 ↑ 92 %
16 Pajaro libre 42.5M 854,000 0 854,000 3 ↑ 92 %
17 kokiño 192.2M 805,300 0 805,300 3 ↑ 92 %
18 FAHAD. ... 148.6M 785,564 -124,567 660,997 3 ↑ 92 %
19 pالعفيه 2.4B 636,000 0 636,000 3 ↑ 92 %
20 gremdogs 876.5M 604,000 0 604,000 3 ↑ 92 %
21 Jσƙҽɾ 857.2M 545,000 0 545,000 3 ↑ 92 %
22 Blood-Inside 409.9M 0 -1,961,330 -1,961,330 0.00 92 %
23 桜❀Sakura 36.2M 2,365,653 -11,156,938 -8,791,285 0.21 92 %
24 *KHAN* 500.9M 166,452,591 -183,697,376 -17,244,785 0.91 92 %
25 Excalibur™ 1.5B 66,852,979 -108,370,096 -41,517,117 0.62 92 %
26 Mambasa 419.8M 9,471,769 -81,703,472 -72,231,703 0.12 92 %
27 Prinsuuss🐞 1B 9,884,358 -84,158,384 -74,274,026 0.12 92 %
28 PRAD1 383.5M 24,366,017 -132,507,872 -108,141,855 0.18 92 %
29 ʝǟʐɨɛʟ 453M 51,128,984 -274,703,296 -223,574,312 0.19 92 %
30 💫HulkThor 597.5M 23,214,589 -456,726,848 -433,512,259 0.05 92 %
Total 2,151,391,433
Score Alliance ---> " RED "
Name Power Score+ Score- Net Score KDR %%
1 달.고.나 4.3B 293,263,975 -75,552,968 217,711,007 3 ↑ 92 %
2 Ku|ong 虎龍 1.6B 206,393,751 -102,036,040 104,357,711 2.02 92 %
3 쏭e🦋 7.2B 284,508,443 -199,470,976 85,037,467 1.43 92 %
4 اLv 31 Nyan 173.8M 198,048,803 -127,326,456 70,722,347 1.56 92 %
5 SRV🦁ARMY 3.6B 83,738,086 -15,355,890 68,382,196 3 ↑ 92 %
6 ΜαηƧα 1.5B 65,695,293 -1,370,892 64,324,401 3 ↑ 92 %
7 애보기퀸e 2.2B 42,517,683 -9,063,918 33,453,765 3 ↑ 92 %
8 酒👻 71.7M 26,014,916 -2,235,153 23,779,763 3 ↑ 92 %
9 Lumin*us 💎 1.5B 36,722,296 -13,193,610 23,528,686 2.78 92 %
10 Lũffÿ¡🦈 1.7B 4,655,474 -179,289 4,476,185 3 ↑ 92 %
11 Pearl 🐳 2.6B 1,432,395 0 1,432,395 3 ↑ 92 %
12 RED드래곤e 3.9B 564,500 0 564,500 3 ↑ 92 %
13 Solana’ 848.1M 532,000 0 532,000 3 ↑ 92 %
14 담덕e🐼 917.9M 665,762 -840,912 -175,150 0.79 92 %
15 호랑e🐅 3.5B 125,152,278 -130,799,224 -5,646,946 0.96 92 %
16 archery152 5.6M 0 -12,019,300 -12,019,300 0.00 92 %
17 하e 🐻 4.4B 410,934,557 -485,408,000 -74,473,443 0.85 92 %
18 RYOU^^凌駕 2.8B 131,075,517 -357,727,776 -226,652,259 0.37 92 %
19 一歩e🥊 4.9B 1,308,321,519 -1,854,976,256 -546,654,737 0.71 92 %
Total -167,319,412
Score Alliance ---> " TWR "
Name Power Score+ Score- Net Score KDR %%
1 Ɓrøkən. 2.3B 1,731,302,484 -679,726,976 1,051,575,508 2.55 92 %
2 ¶@bh!₹pp 301.9M 41,992,201 -1,471,539 40,520,662 3 ↑ 92 %
3 purge.j💥 128.8M 86,845,272 -62,788,292 24,056,980 1.38 92 %
4 ANSYU😻 462M 2,833,500 0 2,833,500 3 ↑ 92 %
5 UDONbySOBA 149.7M 2,000,000 0 2,000,000 3 ↑ 92 %
6 UnicornHP 374.9M 2,663,242 -702,002 1,961,240 3 ↑ 92 %
7 よれよれ 90.1M 1,645,000 0 1,645,000 3 ↑ 92 %
8 セン 66.4M 1,534,500 0 1,534,500 3 ↑ 92 %
9 AMROO👑KING 66M 1,490,000 0 1,490,000 3 ↑ 92 %
10 Mason King 1.1B 1,400,000 0 1,400,000 3 ↑ 92 %
11 ÇAKILOWSK¡ 282.1M 1,105,500 0 1,105,500 3 ↑ 92 %
12 Glads´ 63.5M 1,100,000 0 1,100,000 3 ↑ 92 %
13 BigDKBattles 130.1M 1,006,500 0 1,006,500 3 ↑ 92 %
14 Shadow28282 184.4M 683,567 -210,000 473,567 3 ↑ 92 %
15 Destroyer14 34.6M 0 -135,000 -135,000 0.00 92 %
16 jgwao 113.5M 919,229 -55,828,800 -54,909,571 0.02 92 %
17 اLv 28 AQUA 1B 5,885,702 -72,055,584 -66,169,882 0.08 92 %
18 Killgarreh 62.1M 1,428,003 -81,109,080 -79,681,077 0.02 92 %
19 purge ® 64.7M 16,466,204 -110,546,080 -94,079,876 0.15 92 %
Total 837,727,551
Score Alliance ---> " RPT "
Name Power Score+ Score- Net Score KDR %%
1 kimك 352.7M 557,218,651 -140,578,928 416,639,723 3 ↑ 92 %
2 Sergei1983 250M 153,267,049 -12,110,116 141,156,933 3 ↑ 92 %
3 $moke $hack 3.6B 849,105,011 -708,035,456 141,069,555 1.20 92 %
4 Yonu 329.7M 283,466,052 -183,831,008 99,635,044 1.54 92 %
5 Rusty Turtle 2.5B 16,269,020 -166,292 16,102,728 3 ↑ 92 %
6 Jorv!k 770.2M 1,513,494 0 1,513,494 3 ↑ 92 %
7 ERD. 310.4M 744,500 0 744,500 3 ↑ 92 %
8 Jenn✖️ 577.4M 507,800 0 507,800 3 ↑ 92 %
9 🃏FARO🃏 5.1B 0 -135,066 -135,066 0.00 92 %
10 Red Høød 454.4M 0 -140,318 -140,318 0.00 92 %
11 yobaa 15.2M 7,388,480 -16,972,348 -9,583,868 0.44 92 %
12 Wenter 298.1M 0 -14,805,000 -14,805,000 0.00 92 %
13 Lotus☠️ 3B 65,358,029 -91,760,688 -26,402,659 0.71 92 %
14 indoor 57.1M 0 -43,531,336 -43,531,336 0.00 92 %
15 ...SLAYER... 43.6M 0 -71,836,904 -71,836,904 0.00 92 %
16 Wickednorest 356.9M 10,642,504 -277,803,904 -267,161,400 0.04 92 %
Total 383,773,226
Score Alliance ---> " GOL "
Name Power Score+ Score- Net Score KDR %%
1 اLv 30 Mini 386.5M 2,300,000 0 2,300,000 3 ↑ 92 %
2 Cristine🌸 550.5M 1,412,000 -100,000 1,312,000 3 ↑ 92 %
3 J. P. 405.2M 1,046,500 0 1,046,500 3 ↑ 92 %
4 {Maddy} 594.8M 900,000 0 900,000 3 ↑ 92 %
5 Cienias 1.5B 800,000 0 800,000 3 ↑ 92 %
6 JPJUNIOR 44.5M 700,000 0 700,000 3 ↑ 92 %
7 sachiiiuiii 20.2M 0 -7,514,621 -7,514,621 0.00 92 %
8 DimanZ 12.6M 0 -8,422,899 -8,422,899 0.00 92 %
9 Hashbrizzle 5.6M 0 -13,492,647 -13,492,647 0.00 92 %
10 antonio117 40.7M 0 -21,828,952 -21,828,952 0.00 92 %
11 GHam🤖 359.2M 0 -34,759,300 -34,759,300 0.00 92 %
12 shuri. 68.2M 685,563 -70,717,464 -70,031,901 0.01 92 %
Total -148,991,820
Score Alliance ---> " FUT "
Name Power Score+ Score- Net Score KDR %%
1 Crushinator 586.2M 52,603,424 -5,631,568 46,971,856 3 ↑ 92 %
2 WHIP LASH🔱 386.6M 129,541,254 -124,816,496 4,724,758 1.04 92 %
3 -SC— 48.5M 4,484,290 -572,289 3,912,001 3 ↑ 92 %
4 ving escarlat 4.8M 0 -227,777 -227,777 0.00 92 %
5 Juggernaut876 2.9M 0 -474,584 -474,584 0.00 92 %
6 Newtoyou 16M 0 -4,918,725 -4,918,725 0.00 92 %
Total 49,987,529