ID User: 194051391 - server: 1156 Sum NET : -33.2 M _ AVG (KDR) : 0.00

Name Power Alli Date Score+ Score- NET KDR % Place
the beast2022 10.3M USA 03-Aug 0 -31,740 -31.7 K 0 100 % 81
the beast2022 10.3M USA 06-Jul 0 -1,061,795 -1.1 M 0 100 % 98
the beast2022 9.7M USA 11-May 0 -17,940 -17.9 K 0 100 % 97
the beast2022 10.5M USA 27-Apr 0 -1,792,299 -1.8 M 0 100 % 87
the beast2022 9.7M USA 16-Mar 0 -486,657 -486.7 K 0 100 % 98
the beast2022 23.6M GEA 25-Nov 0 -1,286,442 -1.3 M 0 100 % 82
the beast2022 14.8M GEA 14-Oct 0 -5,114,124 -5.1 M 0 100 % 86
the beast2022 9.7M GEA 30-Sep 0 -12,473,192 -12.5 M 0 100 % 92
the beast2022 9.2M GEA 16-Sep 0 -10,969,811 -11.0 M 0 100 % 100